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Professional Loadmaster Association’s

William “Bill” Cannon Loadmaster of the Year Award

Purpose: This annual award identifies and recognizes the outstanding contributions of a Loadmaster for sustained excellence to include superior contributions supporting and promoting the loadmaster profession.


General Guidance.  A message announcing the upcoming award will normally be sent approximately 1 December of each year to those units or organizations within the Professional Loadmaster Association.


Nominating Individual.  Any Professional Loadmaster Association (PLA) member in good standing may nominate another Loadmaster for outstanding performance.  No individual can nominate himself or herself. 


Specific Guidance.  Each nomination package will be routed through local chapter’s Awards and Recognition POC. In the event the Loadmaster being nominated is not near a local chapter, it may be sent directly to Trevor Smith at


Period:  One year, 1 January to 31 December.  Nominations are due no later than 31 March after the closing of the award period.


Award Categories: Airman, NCO, SNCO, and Civilian


Eligibility:  Any Loadmaster working as a loadmaster during the recognition period.  The nominee may be Navy, Marine, and Air Force on Active duty, Reserve, or Guard status.  This also includes civilians that fly and are performing Loadmasters duties. 


Criteria: Nominees must meet acceptable standards of behavior during the entire eligibility period and meet the eligibility criteria at time of nomination.  The justification must emphasize the nominee’s specific contributions and results in promoting the Loadmaster profession.  Selection must be based on the most deserving that demonstrates character, integrity and epitomizes the image of a flying professional Loadmaster.


Type of Award:  Plaque, statue, paperweight, certificate, money, coin or as recommended by the Nomination committee and approved by the Executive Committee.


Nomination Package:  A write-up of 15 typewritten lines (not including the one header) using the front side of AF Form 1206 (this form can be found and downloaded online). Nominations should include specific facts, achievements, and examples showing the individuals are exceptional. Achievements should distinguish the member from his or her peers. Nominations must include the following area and cite examples that occurred only during the award period, use the following heading prior to the bullets on the 1206:


Loadmaster Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duties and Whole Person Concept: Describe significant leadership accomplishments and how well the member performed assigned primary Loadmaster and additional duties. Define the scope and level of responsibilities and the impact on the mission and/or organization. Include any new initiatives or techniques developed by the member that positively impacted the profession.

Show how the member developed or improved skills related to the Loadmaster profession.  Training, certifications, off-duty education related to the Loadmaster profession, and so forth. Include completion of any professional military education (PME) or civilian equivalent as well as awards earned during in-residence attendance. Include any higher education, relevant training or activities directly related to the profession. Define the scope and impact of the member’s positive leadership and involvement in both base/organization and civilian community. Include leadership, membership, or participation in advisory councils, professional military organizations, associations, and events.


Each nomination package will include a Biography, Nomination Letter (from the PLA member nominating the individual), Citation, and an Air Force Form 1206, Nomination for Award. Ensure nomination write-ups are limited to the front side of AF Form 1206. Use a bullet or point-paper format, not a running narrative.


Biography:  Include the following headings:


Name/Grade/current Duty Title:

Unit of assignment or company:

Mailing address and phone number:

Awards/Decorations received:

Education completed: (PME if military, resident or non-resident, and date)

Brief biographical description of the nominee:



Nomination Committee and Scoring


The Awards and Recognition Committee will convene a nomination committee consisting of a board president and at least two additional committee members.  Each member will receive a copy of each nomination and a score sheet.  Each member scores each nomination using the specified award criteria and guidance below.  Members should consider making adjustments in the scoring as they review subsequent nominations. It is important to maintain a consistent rating value within each nomination.  The highest overall score will determine individual ranking.  In the event of a tie or an extremely close vote, all members will review the appropriate packages.   Members may discuss the nomination packages before another vote is taken.  If a tie cannot be broken during this review, the board president will review all nominations and make the final decision.  Scoring is based on the following weighted areas (45 points total):


Loadmaster Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duties and Whole Person Concept: (45 points)


Citation:  The nominating chapter/POC will prepare a citation in landscape format. Left and right margins must be 1 1/2 inches. Limit the citation to approximately 50-70 key words which properly describe the nominee’s accomplishments or achievements. Key words are defined as those words between the opening and closing statements. The citation will be reviewed and approved by the Committee President.


Announcement/Presentation:  The award will be decided/announced 1 June of each year. The award will be presented at the Gathering of Loads convention by the PLA President or designated representative. During the years there is not a Gathering, the award will be presented at the discretion of the committee.


Disposition of Documentation:  Dispose of board procedures, nomination packages, and other documentation in accordance with the President’s guidance.  Recommend maintaining a copy of the records for two years and then destroy them.


Questions:  Questions regarding this award may be directed to the Awards and Recognition Committee President at the address identified at the beginning of this instruction.

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